Anush Kocharyan
Anush Kocharyan is a cultural journalist, with a Master’s degree in Journalism from the Yerevan State University. She is a graduate of IVLP (International Visitor Leadership) program. Starting from 2012 until now she has worked as a cultural journalist at Hetq online media outlet. Worked as a lecturer at Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography and Yerevan State University. She is a General Manager of Hover State Chamber Choir, General Producer of “Saghsara” documental-musical, cultural project, Chief Advisor at “Loft” self-development center and a cultural journalist at Hetq online media outlet.
Anush represents individual artists in and outside Armenia and is the agent-representative of some of them in Armenia. Anush Kocharyan is one of the writers of “ARI” literary agency, winner of 2014 Eurodram contest of translated dramas (France), 2nd place winning playwright at 2015 literary contest of the Nuremberg State Theatre. Her works have been translated into English, German and Polish.